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Defining my soul purpose

Welcome Spring and month of my birth
I appreciate every person who has taken the time to read a blog of mine, what an investment that is at times.

The real reason for MEANDERINGSabout
was because as I started to write and get some traction and smittering of loyal readers, it was like the uncorking of a bottle of champagne!  I wanted to write about positive things, circled around me, me, ME .... why not?  As our good Mexican friend, Oscar would always say during our visit to The Hilton in three years ago.  The main server at the Lobby bar.  One of the best Lobby Bars I've experienced from across fantasy, all inclusive, 5-star resorts.  It wasn't a Piano Bar, it was a social nucleus of the resort.  Open, spacious, tastefully decorated in the 60s/70s vibe.  Subtle creams, white, with bursts of burnt umber (hey, I remembered that from my oil painting days -- yes, I took lessons off and on over the background years. )  Oscar had a whimsical personality with a genuine heart and a broad smile.  I remember the exchanges each and every time ::... with my awesome older sister, Diana as my wing girl at the time [she complains slightly but really gets a kick out of my theatrics when I decide to unleash that side of my secret character].  She would come across her normal good-natured self, with a keen perception magnet ready to catch a dust of ego, which she just couldn't abide by.  From the times I can remember she loved being the older sister.  Minus any accusation of being snoopy, reframed in positive light of being ever so curious.  Imagine the Millennials gasping at the thought that I am going to share.  You see, back when I was in my teens, we had only one analog phone in our house and it was usually black with a rotary dial.  All six members of our family that included my mother and father, older brother, older sister, and younger brother.  We ALL shared the phone.    Everyone took turns answering the phone, a burdensome task best for someone else, yet the ceaseless ringing because the phone didn't know how to stop, did not go into voicemail, did not have caller ID, nor were there even fax beeps to contend with.  Similar to the battle of who would get up and change the channel?  Where the only way you could watch anything was on one television that was 20 inches and encased in a cabinet with surround sound (a radio in the same cabinet that was not in any way connected to the television, that would have been way way way too out there.  There were no other viewing monitors anywhere else in the house.  We would have to collectively agree on one thing to watch.  There weren't any remote control hogs even because there weren't any.  If you wanted to change the four (you were an early adopter) channels to watch something, you would have to get up and turn the dial directly on the television if you wanted to look through the limited channels.  There would be some hesitation by all simply because if it was your idea for what everyone would watch, you had the responsibility of getting up off your chair or section of the couch likelier with 6 family members and a dog were crowded around, to turn the channel.  Then manners were a BIG thing.  Or you may be getting the point that it was a pretty lazy house by now.  If you got up to go to the bathroom, it was required to take orders for the kitchen that you had to go past to go down the narrow hallway.  That the six of you shared.  Just think about the covert operation nailing down getting up in the morning, having a chance for a shower and any other laboratory needs, like shaving, pooping or peeing, eating breakfast, making lunch, getting off to work the 5 miles to school (substantially less than the 10 miles our parents had to travel in waist deep snow back in their day).  To survive in this household I took up reading.  I didn't know how smart I was at the time.  Everything else seemed too much of a hassle.

I am watching the World Figure Skating Championships and just loving it.  Last night Rob spent 28 minutes (yes, I timed him) while I was thoroughly amused at his thought process and determination to find figure skating that I wanted to watch last night.  I really am lucky.  Life isn't as complicated as we make it by ourselves.  We take on more than we should bear at times, but no more than we are able to bear.  Great people handle great responsibility.

I started thinking about reflecting upon these few questions.  Hoping others might join me.  Either by personal or business perspective, or artistic endeavor, what is its soul purpose?

You have to be able to define your soul purpose.  I don't think you can be on track unless you can define that.  So many fail, hit walls, yet bounce back and try another route.  It helps whittle them down to their soul purpose.

I was thinking while driving home that the more I try to explain the website domain I've created, the better the vision becomes and starts to gel as its soul purpose is defined.  Pretty cool.  So if you were to force yourself to answer, what would they be:

* What is your soul purpose? __________________________________________
* Who do you see yourself with? __________________________________________
* How will it help others (or will you...) __________________________________________
* What will it look like? __________________________________________
* What will it do? __________________________________________
* Can you define it in 6 words or less? __________________________________________
* What are those 6 words? __________________________________________
* Where will you be? __________________________________________
* What will you have? (pen, paintbrush, camera)
* What will it mean when it is done? ___________________________________________
* What sort of recognition will it have? ___________________________________________
* Will it create awards?  Rewards? ___________________________________________
* What is it a stepping stone to? ___________________________________________
* What will you need to learn to do it? ___________________________________________
* What sort of money would you expect to make? ___________________________________________
* Is it a title or a meaning? ___________________________________________


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