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Rambling rhetoric

I've been rather serious for a while.  On point, on focus, distracted or disoriented, I'm not sure which.  Not so serious one would reference a witch.  I'm not the wicked witch.  That doesn't mean I'm not the Evil Stepmother either.  

As the author, I gain access to disclaimer to all who read this blog or my affiliate blogs:  theoptioneerJM on blogspot, finely fueled by Google.  Yes, you knew?  Google is only the most richest, influential bazillionaire top of the heap.  Not just one person, but a group of persons who beat as one.  Synergized to the pulse of the human vibe.  What's got us abuzz?  Who caught our eye?  What were we looking for?  What we were clicking at?  Yeah them.  Times a lot allotta more.  

They're the top of our heap of which we are below, and how far down and near hidden, others may fall to or land from.  They basically know what we want long before we even know we wanna know.  They're just really smart at figuring out algorithms that can flicker into your sphere, something that they're pretty sure, will not only catch your eye, but immediately deserve your click.  That is who is at the top of the heap.  Google.

Unbridled, Google could unleash its power.  

Take over all of our data.  To those of us that are pretty honest, wholesome and sincerely are trying to help others, freely and uninhibited.  Google really likes latching on to some of them to see how it can unleash that knowledge even higher?  

Ladies and gentlemen.  The super computer is here.  The ones that take over society to tell us the best way to think in order to achieve bliss, harmony and peacefulness.  Disciples of anxiety ridden, depressed, lost, victimized souls.    They turn their souls over to that super computer because they space out, relax and reach out to unwind from the day-to-day headaches, heartaches, spasmistic, encounters.  (SPAZ was a word defined by the clean kids who grew up in the 70s.)

Don't be a SPAZ.  What a SPAZ.  Quit it, you SPAZ.  Never really defined as being a good or even a bad thing.  It was a universal language that aligned itself with just the right people, of the right general yet across all ethnic, cultural, religious beliefs.  Forgiving of the most awful, but unrelenting against evil.

So, thank you Sir Google and all your Alphabet offspring, relatives, loved ones, reverers.  I'm not afraid of taking a glimpse inside my head every once and a while and actually pay attention to what you are laying in my path.  As a side project or experiment I'm know to flog on my optioneerJMBlogspot.  I have been taking note between how well the big guns are in managing my brand.  

So here it goes, the best resources a gal blogger from Calgary would hope to penetrate out of her country into the atmosphere ridden on social media flames of unity and connection with a lot of tremendous people from everywhere, across oceans, languages.  Sometimes the connection is simply the clicking and sharing of a beautiful image by an artist, photographer, illustrator which I openly sneak the best ones to make my own quotes now branded to me, my name.  

Eventually, I'd love for this whole writing thing to pay off.  I know there are the traditional means by our friends Google's AdSense and AdWords Analytics Supremo Moola Generating Beings who glide your name to the top on the front page, and sometimes greased more to be shown as a mini ad, considered unaffronting (my own new word eh? meaning noninvasive, too distracting while luring you to look rather than glide past too quickly, because based on your moods you may be clicking on a string of quotes, reaching out to seek beauty of the senses, primarily the visuals ::.... art, creativity, innovative, wonderful captures by photographer camera or an artists brush.

If anyone were to jump out at me for infringement by choosing one of the selections Google shimmied out in front of me to click on, use, share, edit, crop, embed in blog, I would be honest, open, and apologetic.  I would right my wrong and add their website name and link.   I would also start to consider to use someone's image linked to a really cool website, like a movie, a nice song.  Jeesh ya pervs, gettouttaherrreeeeeeeeeeeee!

Eek, shudder.  Can you imagine.  One of those types here?  Well, I guess it really is how the other half lives.  Trying to be inspired, continue to help others, be someone others can look up to.  In others a super being that very few mortals have climbed above all, even floating far above the top of the heap.  Everlasting.  I can think of a few that come to my mind the most and are nicely jumping out at me by my friends at Google:

*Nelson Mandela
*Mother Teresa
*Helen Keller

Artists I like listening and then reading the lyrics to their songs so that it envelopes me and it feels like I'm getting what was meant when it was created and rolled out for the rest of us to not just listen but experience the talent and artistry employed when created.

I'd write more if I made more.  I just don't want to go the basic normal way of adsense or any other third party skelper (had to try three different ways to spell that right, lol, Google tripped over it and Chrome thought it was a typo on sculpture).  

I would like to be a Brand Ambassador.  With the only exception is I use it, wear it, promote it.  No deal otherwise.  I am told I have pretty good taste, have a sense of self and polished chic fashion approach.  I'm not dramatic on make up and stay true to the skin products that have held my skin uppermost in their minds, I'm loyal.

I can start by writing about cars I've driven, owned.  My favorite ones.  Maybe hint at which one I'd return to in a heartbeat which will win me an exact same car to drive around in as a backdrop to selfies at events around town and if travel bug fairy godmother is paying attention, I'm due for a vacation abroad, but I would love to go to a place that I could genuinely explore, from the perspective of a pretty active, enthusiastic 50 year old lady .... only by doing it would one realize whether that is an unexplored demographic.  Other than the INbetweeners whom I've been ignoring for a few weeks, or maybe more.  

Lately, I've mainly been rambling.  Not really accomplishing much of substance, other than being astounded that my 30-60-90 Day Plan blog finally took over and surpassed "Do you want a hunter or farmer?" which has been reigning for a good couple of years, so much that I stopped paying attention, barely glazed over.  What was even more astounding was that it got my wheels turning.  Yeah, I almost forgot about that.  The whole planning perspective.  You have to remember, I wrote that blog long long long before I had been professionally hired as a senior project manager with HP and actually discovered the PMP principles and guiding principles.    Yet if you read the blog and now know that I had no direct Project Management distinction for a good 15 to 20 years of my career.  We just didn't call it that.  

Hells, bells .... oops, sounding hickish .... back in the day, long before my career time, your role as a "Secretary" meant that you did that Project Management thing, and a whole helluvalot more.   You were a hostess with the pay of a waitress, you were an event planner with out all the balloons or budget, how about all the other things PEOPLE do themselves, every single minute of every single day, at all reaches of the world, by all people and for all people.  Well, those old people used to be called Secretaries.  The one solid contender was that the boss was made up by about 95% of  men and the secretaries "filled in" as a supporting role equally as much.  The pay difference, probably close to being bang on, back to when the only rights women had were to whether they made coffee or tea or lemonade or freshly-squeezed orange juice as superwoman efficiently getting kids off to school with lunch packs in toe and homework all done, tucks her husband's crisply hand starched and ironed shirt into the suit she had picked up at the dry cleaners on her way from work, just before she went to the grocery store to get that final fresh vegetable and wholesome milk ingredients to finish off the casserole she had prepped for after everyone fell asleep last night.  

I hope you like my selection of quotes.  I have also cultivated and collaborated sharing with others, some of my favorites.  Not like the others that I have at the top and the end of my optioneerJM blogs (which I'd probably not been as particular to of late).

I hope you enjoy my selections.  If you do happen to share them, please include me so that I may #RT LIKE or SHARE across the social media gambit.  

Most of all, thank YOU for stopping in.  I see the visits, never a comment.  However, I'm counting on YOU to help me get better.  Please give your advice, feedback, recommendations or facts .... I'm all eyes.


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